"I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize, that what you heard, isn't what I meant. - Unknown"

Wills & Estates

The solicitor's work on estate matters will vary depending on the nature of the estate and the abilities of the Estate Trustees. Some Trustees prefer that the lawyer do both and other Trustees want complete involvement and simply want directions from the lawyer. Depending on the needs of the client, my office does both the solicitor and trustee work.

Wills are carefully structured to reflect the client's personal situation.

Will drafting can be as complex or as simple as the client requires.

Codicils are also drafted for minor changes to the client's will. The directions given in a will only apply after our death and not during our lifetime. Powers of Attorneys are needed to manage our day-to-day matters.

There are two types of Powers of Attorneys and these are the Personal Care Power of Attorney and the Continuing Power of Attorney for Property. The Personal Care Power of Attorney deals with our ability to consent to medical treatment and our personal health issues. Clauses dealing with allergies, life support treatment or mental incapacity are discussed. On the other hand, the Continuing Power of Attorney for Property is a separate document that deals with the day-to-day management of our assets and bank accounts in case of changes in our medical or mental incapacity. Powers of Attorneys apply during our lifetime and not after our death.

Estate planning is an area often overlooked by clients. This involves a complete review of your assets, debts and life insurance coverage to determine whether the structures chosen by you are the most appropriate. Recommendations are made by me to assist the client in proper estate planning for themselves and their families.